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IBM Desktop BIOS Beep Codes – IBM Thinkpad BIOS Beep Codes

BeepsError MessageDescription
1 shortNormal POSTSystem is booting properly
2 shortInitialization errorError code is displayed
1 long, 1 shortSystem board error
1 long, 2 shortVideo adapter error
1 long, 3 shortEGA/VGA adapter error
3 long3270 keyboard adapter error
ContinuousPower supply errorReplace the power supply
999sPower supply errorReplace the power supply
No beepPower supplyReplace the power supply

IBM Thinkpad BIOS Beep Codes:

Continuous beepingSystem board failure
One beep; Unreadable, blank or flashing LCDLCD connector problem; LCD backlight inverter failure; video adapter faulty; LCD assembly faulty; System board failure; power supply failure
One beep; Message “Unable to access boot source”Boot device failure; system board failure
One long, two short beepsSystem board failure; Video adapter problem; LCD assembly failure
One long, four short beepsLow battery voltage
One beep every secondLow battery voltage
Two short beeps with error codesPOST error message
Two short beepsSystem board failure