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Getting Started With Lync for Mac


Tags: LyncformacsecureIM

This article describes how to configure Lync 2011 client on Mac OS to use Skype for Business service. Skype for Business service needs to be enabled for the user first. Read our Knowledge Base article on How Do I Enable Skype For Business For A User? for more information.

To download Lync 2011 client navigate to HostPilot > Services > Skype For Business > Instructions

Lync for Mac Setup instructions:

  1. Launch Microsoft Lync.
  2. Fill the following fields and click Advanced button:
    • Email Address: Enter the complete email address.
    • Sign in as: Automatic.
    • User ID: Enter the complete email address.
    • Password: The password for the Exchange mailbox.
  3. Under Advanced select Manual configuration.
  4. Specify the server name, which you can find in HostPilot > Services > Skype For Business > Instructions. Internal server and external server should be the same.
  5. Make sure that TLS is selected for Connect using.
  6. Click OK.

Important: Mac users will not be able to utilize Lync for Mac video conferencing feature. This bug is to be fixed by Microsoft.
