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Getting Started With Skype for Business for Windows

This article describes how to configure Skype for Business client on Windows. Skype for Business service needs to be enabled for the user first. Read our Knowledge Base article on How Do I Enable Skype For Business For A User? for more information.

If you already have Lync 2013 client installed, proceed with step 4. To install Skype for Business desktop client:

  1. Navigate to HostPilot® Control Panel > Services > Skype For Business > Instructions.
  2. Click Download Windows Client
    Download client
  3. Install Lync 2013 client.
  4. Download and install the update for Lync 2013 (Skype for Business) from Microsoft. Make sure that updates listed in the Required updates section of the article are installed prior to running KB2889923 update. You do not have to restart the computer after you apply this update.
    Note: You need to select the update for the version you have installed (32-bit or 64-bit). You can check the version in Lync 2013 by navigating to Help > About Microsoft Lync 
    Check Lync Version
  5. Start Skype for Business. You may get the promt to restart the client. Click Restart Now to complete the setup.
    Check Lync Version

There are two options for configuring Skype for Business client on your local computer:

  • Automatic Setup: If Intermedia hosts your DNS Skype for Business client can be configured automaticaly once user enters his credentials.
  • Manual Setup:
    1. Launch Skype for Business.
    2. Click Show Menu arrow next to the gear icon in the top right and select Tools > Options > Personal.
    3. Enter the email address into Sign-in address field and click Advanced button.
    4. Select Manual configuration.
    5. Specify the server name, which you can find in HostPilot > Services > Skype For Business > Instructions.
    6. Click OK.
      Configure Skype for Business
