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How Do I Enable Skype for Business/Lync Logging?

Occasionally, Support may ask you for your Lync Secure Chat and Conferencing log files. These logs are used to trace the Lync connectivity, which is important for troubleshooting purposes.

Below you can find the instructions for your version of Lync client:

Locating the log files:

Enabling logging in OCS 2007

To enable logging in the Office Communicator, click the menu icon in the left-upper corner of the OCS window and navigate to Tools > Options, then in Office Communicator – Options window navigate to General tab and check Turn on logging in Communicator under Logging:


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Enabling logging in Lync 2010

In the Lync 2010 window click on Preferences icon to access the Options menu, or click on the drop-down arrow next to it and navigate toTools > Options, in the Lync Options window navigate to General tab and check Turn on logging in Lync under Logging:


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Enabling logging in Lync 2013

In the Lync 2013 window click on Preferences icon to access the Options menu, or click on the drop-down arrow next to it and navigate toTools > Options, then in the Lync Options window navigate to General tab and under Logging in Lync select Full:


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Enabling logging in Skype for Business

In the Skype for Business window click on Options icon to access the menu, or click on the drop-down arrow next to it and navigate to Tools > Options, then in the Skype for Business Options window navigate to General tab and under Logging in Skype for Business select Full:

Skype for Business

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Enabling logging in Communicator 2011 for Mac or Lync 2011 for Mac

In the menu bar navigate to Communicator > Preferences or Lync > Preferences, then to General tab and check the Turn on logging for troubleshooting checkbox:


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Locating Lync log files on Windows

The log files on Windows machines are stored under:

  • %username%\Tracing for Lync 2010,
  • C:\username\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Office\15.0\Lync\Tracing for Skype for Business and Lync 2013,

where C: is your system drive, username is your Windows user’s name and 15.0 is your Microsoft Office version:


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Locating Lync log files on MacOS

The logs are located in users/username/library/logs/Microsoft-Lync-0.log (the number increments as the log file grow), where username is your system user’s name:

