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How to expedite outbound domain transfer from Cloudflare to a new registrar

Cloudflare is a stable domain registrar and among the cheapest. However, one major disadvantage is that domains registered at Cloudflare must be assigned Cloudflare DNS. Using Cloudflare DNS is not always desirable, so if you absolutely need to switch a domain to a different set of name servers, you must transfer the domain to a different registrar.

You must have initiated the domain transfer at your new registrar and received an e-mail from Cloudflare stating that an outbound domain transfer has been initiated. If you take no further action when receiving this e-mail, the transfer will automatically complete after five days. Following the steps below, you can finalize the transfer within minutes to a few hours.

Approve outbound transfer

  1. Go to your Cloudflare Dashboard.
  2. Click “Domain Registration” The option “Manage Domains” should be picked by default. Otherwise, click it.
  3. Click “Manage” next to the domain you are transferring out.
  4. Click “Configuration”
  5. In the box “Transfer to another registrar” click “Accept transfer”