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Deleting Cache and Log Files Manually on the Mac.

Deleting Cache and Log Files Manually on the Mac.

1. In the Finder Menu, under GO choose “Go to Folder” you can also use the shortcut: Shift + CMD + G


2. In the Go To Folder dialog box enter: ~/Library/Caches

goto folder library caches

3. At this stage it might be a good idea to quickly make a backup of the files we are about to delete, this is optional but it only takes a moment and in the very unlikely event we have a problem we can just put these back where they came from. The simplest way to make a quick copy is to hold the alt key and drag the folder to your desktop.

4. We then need to select all the files in the Cache folder, you can do this by first selecting an item within the Cache Folder and then going back to the Finder menu, then choosing Select All under the Edit Menu or by using the shortcut: CMD + A

Cache Folder Select All

5. Once you have all the files selected you can either just delete them by dragging them to the Trash folder in your Dock and then Emptying the Trash in the Finder main menu.


6. You then need to repeat the above steps but by replacing “~/Library/Caches” with: “/Library/Caches” and “~/Library/Logs” if you would like to remove your Mac’s Log files.

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