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How to Hide MacOS Sierra Update Banner from the Mac App Store


Don’t want to update to macOS Sierra quite yet? You’ve likely noticed when you open the Mac App Store and visit the Updates tab, if you’re on a Sierra compatible Mac you will see a very large MacOS Sierra update banner, soliciting you to update and install the latest Mac system software update. It’s impossible to miss, which makes it easy to install the update if you have somehow overlooked it, but not all users want to see the big Sierra update banner and would rather update on their own terms.

If you’re postponing updating to macOS Sierra or you have decided you simply don’t want to install MacOS Sierra at all, perhaps you’d like to hide the giant macOS Sierra update banner from the Mac App Store.

Hiding the MacOS Sierra Update Banner

  1. Go to the  Apple menu and open the Mac App Store Updates
  2. Click the “Updates” tab to show the giant ‘macOS Sierra’ update banner
  3. Right-click (or Control+Click) on the Sierra banner and choose “Hide Update”
  4. Use the Mac App Store as usual or close the Mac App Store

The macOS Sierra banner will no longer take up most of the Updates screen of the Mac App Store, freeing you to have more screen space for your typical software updates.

This is obviously only helpful for users who are either intentionally postponing the Sierra update or are otherwise avoiding the update for some other reason. For most users with a compatible Mac, installing Sierra is a good idea, though there are various problems and reasons to not install MacOS Sierra, even if they are not typical experiences.

If you decide you do want the update, you can easily retrieve it by following any App Store link to download macOS Sierra, whether within the Mac App Store itself, or by using the Search function of the Mac App Store to find the Sierra update again.