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How to install Kaspersky Security Center 10 on Microsoft Windows Server Core Mode

System settings:

  1. Disable Windows Firewall.
  2. Open the registry editor with the regedit command. 
  3. Expand the node HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Policies\Microsoft\WindowsFirewall\DomainProfile\.
  4. Select the value REG_DWORD=0 for EnableFirewall.
  5. Make sure port 1433 is open for connection with MS SQL.
  6. Type compmgmt.msc.
  7. Go to Services and Applications → SQL Server Configuration → SQL Server Network Configuration →Protocols for MSSQL Server.
  8. Select TCP/IP and set the Enabled status.
  9. On the tab IP Addresses, for IP1 select Active and Enabled (select YES).

