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Microsoft Security Essential Install, Windows 7

This is a guide on how to install Microsoft Security Essentials.

Anti-Virus products are very important to help make sure that our home computers (and work) are protected against Viral threats that could lead to Machines not working or information being destroyed / stolen.

In this guide I focus on the basic install of MSE but those out there who are more familiar with anti-viral products will have your own favourite.

So let us begin.

  1. First thing to do is to download MSE.  Follow this link to download a version Compatible with the Windows version you are currently using.  Also be aware that Windows 8 has Windows Defender built in.
  2. When you have downloaded the file Double Click to run. (this is usually locate in your downloads folder.  some browsers will allow you to run from the browser by clicking “Run” or a download bar in the bottom of the browser or some other icon on the browser that allows you to click the downloaded file and run it)
  3. Click “Yes” at the prompt asking if you want to allow the application to make administrative changes.
  4. Click Next
  5. Click accept if you agree with the terms. (N.B at this point if you select disagree the setup will end)
  6. The next screen is an optional one and does not require you to participate to install. Select the option you want to select and click next.
  7. Next is about Security optimization.  If you have a firewall already active on your computer you will need to untick the top option, if not leave it ticked.  Firewalls add an extra level of security to your operating system.  Now click “Install.”
  8. Click Finish

Always remember to update your anti-virus regularly as updated definitions are what helps to protect your computer against viruses.
