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Bypass Windows 8 and 8.1 login screen


You have set up Windows 8 or 8.1 to use your Microsoft account and now every time you boot your computer you have to enter your Windows live password.


Microsoft designed the system like this to be more secure as the account is linked to your Microsoft account which may also link to your email,  OneDrive etc. However if you feel that this is a security feature you could do without then see the solution below.

We do not advise you perform the following to bypass the Windows security feature. Security features are there to protect you and your data.


  1. Start up and log in to your computer (yes you need to log in this time round)
  2. Open an elevated Command Prompt
    1. Click Start (or press Windows key)and type “CMD
    2. Right click the “Cmd.exe” icon
    3. Click “Run as administrator”
    4. In the dialogue box that appears click “Yes”
  3. Type “control userpasswords2″and press enter
  4. The User Accounts dialogue should appear, un-check the check-box marked [Users must enter a user name and password to use this computer]
  5. Click OK and enter your password twice
  6. Restart
