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Windows shortcut

Windows operating system offers a variety of keyboard shortcuts that can enhance productivity and streamline tasks. Here are some essential and commonly used shortcuts in Windows

Basic Shortcuts

  • Ctrl + C: Copy the selected item.
  • Ctrl + X: Cut the selected item.
  • Ctrl + V: Paste the copied or cut item.
  • Ctrl + Z: Undo an action.
  • Ctrl + Y: Redo an action.
  • Ctrl + A: Select all items in a document or window.
  • Ctrl + S: Save the current document or file.
  • Ctrl + P: Print the current document or page.
  • Ctrl + F: Open the find window to search for text.

File Explorer Shortcuts

  • Windows Key + E: Open File Explorer.
  • Alt + D: Select the address bar.
  • Ctrl + Shift + N: Create a new folder.
  • Alt + Enter: Open the properties for the selected item.
  • F2: Rename the selected item.
  • Delete: Move the selected item to the Recycle Bin.
  • Shift + Delete: Permanently delete the selected item without moving it to the Recycle Bin.

Window Management

  • Windows Key + D: Show or hide the desktop.
  • Windows Key + M: Minimize all windows.
  • Windows Key + Shift + M: Restore minimized windows.
  • Windows Key + Up Arrow: Maximize the current window.
  • Windows Key + Down Arrow: Minimize the current window.
  • Windows Key + Left Arrow: Snap the current window to the left half of the screen.
  • Windows Key + Right Arrow: Snap the current window to the right half of the screen.
  • Windows Key + Tab: Open Task View.
  • Alt + Tab: Switch between open apps.
  • Alt + F4: Close the active window or app.

System Shortcuts

  • Windows Key + L: Lock your computer or switch accounts.
  • Windows Key + I: Open Settings.
  • Windows Key + R: Open the Run dialog box.
  • Windows Key + S: Open Search.
  • Windows Key + X: Open the Quick Link menu (useful for accessing system tools like Device Manager, Disk Management, etc.).
  • Windows Key + Pause: Open the System Properties dialog box.
  • Ctrl + Shift + Esc: Open Task Manager.
  • Windows Key + U: Open Ease of Access Center.
  • Windows Key + P: Choose a presentation display mode.

Accessibility Shortcuts

  • Windows Key + U: Open Ease of Access settings.
  • Windows Key + Plus (+): Zoom in using the Magnifier.
  • Windows Key + Minus (-): Zoom out using the Magnifier.
  • Windows Key + Esc: Exit the Magnifier.
  • Alt + Left Shift + Num Lock: Turn Mouse Keys on or off.
  • Alt + Left Shift + Print Screen: Turn High Contrast on or off.

Virtual Desktops

  • Windows Key + Ctrl + D: Create a new virtual desktop.
  • Windows Key + Ctrl + Right Arrow: Switch to the next virtual desktop.
  • Windows Key + Ctrl + Left Arrow: Switch to the previous virtual desktop.
  • Windows Key + Ctrl + F4: Close the current virtual desktop.