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How to Add Image To Windows Deployment Services

We need to add two types of images in WDS, install.wim and boot.wim. Then install.wim images are the operating system images that you deploy to the client computer. You can also use the Install.wim file from the installation media (in the \Sources folder of Windows DVD), or you can create your own custom images.

To boot you system through network card, you must add the boot.wim image of the latest Windows Operating System. The Boot.wim images are Windows PE images that you boot a client computer to perform an operating system installation. In most scenarios. Boot.wim image is also located in the Sources folder of Windows DVD.

While you are logon as domain admin or member of administrators group  to WDS Server, go to Server Manage and open Windows deployment services from Tools tab of Server Manger Dashboard.

Add Install Image – Windows Deployment Services

Expend the Servers then right click the Install Images  and click Add Install Image.

Create and Image Group for WDS

On the Add Image Wizard page type the name of a group and click Next.

Windows 10 Install Image

On the Image Files page click Browse and select the install.wim image from Windows sources folder and click Open and then click Next. 

Windows Deployment Services Available Images

On the Available Images pages select Windows edition, whatever you want and click Next. Here we only have Windows 10 technical preview for enterprise.

Windows Deployment Services Summery page

It will take a few minutes to check the integrity of image’s and adding image. When the image added successfully, just click Finish and see the Clients group that has the image ready for deploying to clients machines.

Deploy Windows 10 with Windows Deployment Services

That is it. You can add as much as Image you want. But now try to add the Boot.wim image the same as Install image. But instead of install.wim image select boot.wim image.

Add Boot Image to boot Clients Machines

Now you can deploy and install Windows 10 for your network clients. The next part we will install client operating system through network using WDS.
