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How to repairing a Boot Disk with Disk Utility

How to repairing a Boot Disk with Disk Utility

In this case all you need to do is reboot into the Recovery HD partition and run Repair Disk from there, here’s how to do that in OS X Lion, Mountain Lion, and OS X Mavericks.

Before proceeding it’s a good idea to backup your drive quickly with Time Machine.

  1. Reboot the Mac and hold down Command+R (hold own Option key on some Macs)
  2. Select “Recovery HD” from the boot menu
  3. Choose “Disk Utility” from the Mac OS X Utilities screen
  4. Click the hard drive that reported the error, click the “First Aid” tab, and now click on “Repair Disk”

After Repair Disk has ran successfully, you are free to boot OS X as normal and the drives issues should be resolved.