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5 Things to Consider Before Posting on Facebook

No one can know for sure if, while sharing stories or personal matters, there are unknown
or ill-intentioned people secretly following. Sometimes, we don’t think about the consequences of what we post. Therefore, to use social media in a fun, safe, and comfortable manner, we want to remind all social media users about five things you should be careful about when posting on Facebook. Let’s check and make our timelines safer

              1. Date of Birth

                  Many people might think it’s harmless to display their date of birth on their timeline. However, your date of birth is a crucial piece of personal information. It can be easily used by criminals, or even hackers, to access personal data and commit harmful acts against you. Therefore, it’s better to keep it hidden.      

                  2.Phone Number

                  Everyone knows that a phone number is very personal information. Normally, people wouldn’t post their personal phone number on their Facebook timeline for fun. It’s usually posted only when necessary or in an emergency to inform friends. However, once the situation returns to normal, don’t forget to delete the information or hide the phone number you previously posted. Otherwise, it could lead to unwanted disturbances in your life.

                  3.Checking In Locations

                  Another popular activity that almost everyone on Facebook does is checking in at places they visit regularly or when traveling to various destinations. However, if you are someone who frequently checks in at the same places, or even checks in at your home, dormitory, condo, or current residence, you need to be very careful. This is especially important for women or anyone living alone, as it provides an opportunity for criminals lurking on Facebook to use that information to harm you.

                  4.Complaining or Venting About Work

                  Did you know that your behavior and posts expressing feelings or opinions on Facebook can be scrutinized by the companies where you are applying for a job or are currently employed? Remember, there are no secrets in the world, and certainly, there are no secrets or safety in the online world either. Therefore, posting criticisms or venting about work in a moment of frustration can immediately lead to job loss or cause you to miss out on opportunities with desired companies.

                  5.Pictures of Credit Cards, Bank Accounts, and Boarding Passes

                  It’s common to see news about people posting pictures of their bank account details on Facebook to show how they got the money and what they plan to do with it, without concealing the account number and the account holder’s name. Consequently, many have fallen victim to fraud. Therefore, do not underestimate or be careless with technology and strangers nowadays, as you never know how they might use this information to conduct transactions or cause harm.
